Seaglass Clinical Consulting
A Higher Quality Of Care

When we struggle with our mental health, our lives can feel meaningless. Constant emotional pain affects everything else – our physical health, our important relationships, our work life and even our financial health.
Our focus is on helping you navigate these painful emotional states to achieve a more positive and meaningful life. We provide integrated psychiatric and psychological support which can include medication, talking therapies, experiential therapies or a uniquely-tailored combination.
How we can help
Whether it is the persistent sadness and low motivation of depression, the constant worry and tension of anxiety or difficulty processing traumatic events that have happened to you, our clinicians can help.
With over 30 years of combined experience in all aspects of mental health, our expert clinicians will work alongside you to reduce emotional pain and help bring back joy and hope in your life.
We provide integrated psychiatric and psychological support which can include medication, talking therapies, experiential therapies or a uniquely-tailored combination.
Our Services
Assessment & Diagnosis
Unless you know what the problem is, you cannot find the right solution. As your first step with us, you will have a new patient assessment with our Consultant Psychiatrist. This allows a full exploration of all the aspects which can contribute to struggling with our mental health – physical, emotional, social, and spiritual.
This will provide you with an expert formulation of the predisposing, precipitating and perpetuating factors that have led you to where you are. Treatment recommendations will be discussed with you and a treatment plan that works for you will be outlined. This typically includes one or several of the clinical interventions (discussed below) as well as evidence-based lifestyle advice.
Clinical Interventions
Psychiatry & Psychopharmacology
Our consultant psychiatrist is dedicated to understanding the intricacies of your mental health. Through careful assessment and personalized treatment plans, we strive to bring balance to your life by integrating therapy, medication management, and lifestyle interventions. With a special interest in psychopharmacology our consultant psychiatrist has a wealth of experience and training in safe, evidence-informed prescribing for all mental health conditions.
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
We are an integrative practice, primarily using psychodynamic and existential approaches. Our clinical psychologist has extensive training in Mentalisation-based Therapy (MBT) for adults, adolescents and children. This is an attachment-based therapy that privileges the way we relate to each other and our capacity to reflect. Change happens through understanding, letting go and moving on to establish more rewarding patterns and connections.
Experiential Therapies
Animal-assisted interventions are for everyone and for all ages: they are an intuitive way of working through trauma, mental paralysis, relational difficulties, deep-seated fears and group anxieties. This type of work often leads to quantifiable change over short periods of time, even within a single session.
Working through horses and dogs, evidence-based psychological interventions are available to those who are unable to engage in regular talking therapies because of limitations related to age, disability or serious trauma. We also offer a mobile service in schools.
We are fully certified Eagala practitioners.
For adults, we offer individual, couple and team interventions.
For children, we offer individual sessions alongside our Pony Psychotherapy Program at Windreach and our Puppy Play Therapy Program in schools.
We also offer environmentally valid animal-assisted ADHD assessments and a new add-on program for children struggling with functional academics as a result of developmental disorder, trauma, family conflict or mental health issues: Horse-Powered Reading.
Clinical Supervision
From workers in high-pressure environments, health and law professionals to the Jungian-curious, we have an individual or group experience that will increase your knowledge, skillset and capacity to contain yourself and others within your organisation.
Go to our Supervision and Training page for more details.
Medico-legal Expertise
With over 20 years of combined experience in forensic mental health we can provide medico-legal reports, trial consultation, clinical risk/threat assessments and team-based corporate or clinical reflective practice.
Our main clinical experience is with mentally disordered and intellectually disabled criminal offenders. However we can also provide expert witness assistance in civil and family cases.
We have specialist training in assessing child triangulation in high-conflict families.
Psychedelic Harm-reduction and Integration Services
In recent years there has been increasing interest in psychedelic compounds for use in therapy and to help general wellness. There are powerful medicines and can result in harm to those who are not adequately prepared and do not properly integrate their experiences.
While we do not offer these therapies due to the current legal status of these compounds, we are able to offer professional advice on the risks and benefits of the various options which are increasingly available internationally. We also have specific training in psychedelic medicine so can offer you the most up-to-date evidence and provide post-experience integration.
Further Information
What kind of therapy do I need?
Not sure what therapy is all about? Have a look at our Therapy FAQ for some answers or our Therapy-related Definitions page for more detailed explanations of various terms.
Do I need a psychiatrist or a psychologist?
Psychiatrist or psychologist? We explain the difference here.
Meet the Team
For more information about our clinical team, click here.

Contact us today by phoning 747-7778 or complete our secure online referral form here.
My parent/child/partner/friend/colleague actively needs help and may be a danger to themselves or other people.
Encourage them to go to the Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute (MWI) between 9am and 5pm or the Emergency Room at King Edward Memorial Hospital 24/7. They can present without an appointment if it is an emergency and will be assessed; they will not necessarily require an inpatient stay.
You or the person you are worried about can also call the MWI 24-hour Mental Health Crisis Line: (441) 239-1111
Call 911 if they refuse and you are very worried about their safety. The emergency services are used to these types of calls and can help.
Still unsure if the person’s mental state warrants an emergency intervention? Please call us in confidence on 747-7778 and talk it through.