Dr Seb Henagulph is a consultant psychiatrist in private practice in Bermuda. He has over 20 years of experience in diagnosis and treatment of mental health issues.
Training & Experience
Dr. Seb has taken a long and varied route to becoming a consultant psychiatrist. Following an early education at Saltus in Bermuda and Marlborough College in England, Dr. Seb completed six years of medical training at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) with degrees in medicine (MB), surgery (BCh) and obstetrics (BAO) and honours in anesthesiology and primary care.
After graduating from RCSI in 1997 he remained in Dublin for two years where he worked as a medical and surgical intern at Beaumont Hospital and then as a Registered Medical Officer at the Blackrock Clinic.
Before entering psychiatric training, Dr. Seb obtained a Masters degree (MA) in Philosophy and Religion as part of the Philosophy, Cosmology and Consciousness program at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in San Francisco.
He then travelled to the UK after he was accepted into the Guy’s, Kings & Thomas’ (GKT) psychiatry training scheme in London. Here he gained four years of basic training in both general adult and child & adolescent psychiatry.
His interest in treating and managing mental disorder in those with offending behaviours lead to him working for five years as a specialty doctor in forensic psychiatry at medium and low secure units in South and East London.
Dr. Seb was then accepted into the prestigious South London Deanery training program where he went on to complete three years as a specialist registrar in forensic psychiatry. This involved 6- and 12-month rotations at the South London & Maudsley NHS Trust community forensic team in Brixton, Wandsworth and Thameside remand prisons, the Bracton Center medium-secure unit and also the psychiatric intensive care unit (PICU) at Broadmoor high-security hospital.
Dr. Seb then returned home to Bermuda in 2016 to work as the consultant forensic psychiatrist for the Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute (MWI) for five years. Here he was the consultant for Somers Annex PICU, visiting psychiatrist to the prisons, treating psychiatrist for the Mental Health Court and member of the Offender Risk Management Team.
Dr. Seb’s main expertise is in the diagnosis and management of mental health issues that have not responded to initial treatment approaches and may require novel combinations of psychopharmacology, psychotherapy and interventional procedures.
Your psychiatric consultation with Dr. Seb will include a comprehensive assessment of the many potential issues which can lead to emotional distress and resultant difficulties at work and in relationships. Past and present areas of your life explored together may cover the psychological, biological, medical, social, philosophical and spiritual. You will then decide together which issues to address and your preferred way of healing. This may include prescribed medication, psychological (talking) interventions or a combination of both.
Medico-Legal Experience
Dr. Seb has specialist training in risk assessment and threat management, and is experienced in providing written reports and oral expert witness testimony to the Courts in Bermuda and the UK.
Research & Publications
He has published papers on personality disorder and risk & recovery. In 2017 he contributed to the World Psychiatric Association’s prison health position statement. He was a key contributor to the Bermudian Mental Health Act amendments which passed in 2019. Orchid ID.
Registration & Professional Memberships
Dr. Seb is registered with the Bermuda Medical Council, and approved under section 12 of the Bermuda Mental Health Act. He is also a Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in the UK (MRCPsych).
To make an appointment with Dr. Seb, contact us today by phoning 747-7778 or complete our secure referral form here.